Music Production Talk
How Long Should You Work On A Song?
A song to me has no set time that it should be worked on. I say this because there are people that are able to produce great sounding songs in just a few hours, while others can spend weeks to get…
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Music Blogging , Uncategorized
How To Overcome Doubt As A Creative And Music Producer
Creatives tend to have a lot of doubts in their mind when it comes to the state of their art. We are our own worse critics because we can see every little detail, flaw, and error of our work because…
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Music Production Talk
Resting = Better Music Production
Music production requires rest. Rest is not something a lot of people really want to do when they are in music production mode and trying to build up their skills. However, when used with…
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Music Production Talk , Uncategorized
Preparing for my first album release
Up early and working on album art for my next few albums I plan on releasing in the coming days or weeks. Then I need to start going through my archive of 150+ songs and getting them organized to…
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Music Blogging , Uncategorized
Maintaining Your Determination To Improve And Stay Constant With Your Music
I don't think people should fear me quitting. Since I'm blogging more on my channel with the community tab, it feels good to be able to share more of my thought process so people don't just see the…
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