Music Production Talk
How Long Should You Work On A Song?
A song to me has no set time that it should be worked on. I say this because there are people that are able to produce great sounding songs in just a few hours, while others can spend weeks to get…
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Music Production Talk
Resting = Better Music Production
Music production requires rest. Rest is not something a lot of people really want to do when they are in music production mode and trying to build up their skills. However, when used with…
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Music Production Talk , Uncategorized
Preparing for my first album release
Up early and working on album art for my next few albums I plan on releasing in the coming days or weeks. Then I need to start going through my archive of 150+ songs and getting them organized to…
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Music Production Talk , Uncategorized
How Do I Get Into Music?
There are a lot of people that ask themselves: "How do I get into music?" And I would say the answer is pretty simple: GET INTO MUSIC! There are so many guides out there to help creatives if they…
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