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You got questions? I got answers! How am I protected as a customer? You are protected by the fact that I have a money back guarantee. If YOU are uNHAPPY with the FINAL product, then I will refund it no questions asked. Just contact my email: [email protected] Do you take commissions? Of course! Just hit my…


Phantom Rhapsody EDM Project This is a song that was made with a dark theme in mind. It sounds like something that you’d hear during a serious moment in a video game or anime. Genocide Frisk Theme [Fanmade] EDM Project DARK, DARK AND DARKER! There is a lot of nightmarish vibes in this song that…


Song Prices Full Length Original Song $175.00 USDRemixed/Cover Song $200.00 USD1 Minute Original Song $60.00 USD2 Minute Original Song $115.00 USD1 Minute Remix/Cover $70.00 USD2 Minute Remix/Cover $140.00 USD   The Importance Of Music Music is IMPORTANT if you want to convey the proper emotion and intensity of a scene. Do you really think an…


Song Prices Full Length Original Song $175.00 USDRemixed/Cover Song $200.00 USD1 Minute Original Song $60.00 USD2 Minute Original Song $115.00 USD1 Minute Remix/Cover $70.00 USD2 Minute Remix/Cover $140.00 USD YOUR STEP TO THE NEXT LEVEL Are you TIRED of dealing with people who produce WEAK sounds for YOUR project? Are you SICK of having unmemorable…

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