Year: 2017

Music Production Talk , Uncategorized

How Do I Get Into Music?

There are a lot of people that ask themselves: "How do I get into music?" And I would say the answer is pretty simple: GET INTO MUSIC! There are so many guides out there to help creatives if they…
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Creating Music = Relief

As far as music goes, I find that creating music helps to induce a good mood. It's part of what drives me to create since it feels therapeutic to a degree. So while a lot of people are focused solely…
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Music Blogging , Uncategorized

Patience For Music

I've seen a few of my fans lately tell me that my music should have more follows and fans. However, I feel that is the wrong idea. If you are making music, you should actually enjoy what you are…
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This is going to be an on going thing I plan to do for FrostFM. Expect to see status updates on projects, information about useful music equipment/plugins/software, shoutouts and things like that.…
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